Mariely Sylvette Martínez

Recently, founder of Chicana inc sat virtually met with entrepreneur Mariely Sylvette Martinez as they had a conversation about Marielys Journey launching her company, marketing, branding, coaching and podcasting. You can join in the conversation through their podcast episode on the She Powered Podcast or on their Cafecito episode on Roku. Read down below to get connected.
Mariely Sylvette Martínez is a Marketing Strategist, Branding Consultant and Professional Coach. It is her mission is to train and advise entrepreneurs to build their professional brand and to attract their most ideal clients. Mariely also offers brand and podcast auditing services as well as an exclusive Branding program where her company assists professionals to strengthen and renew their presence on the Internet and social networks. She facilitates conferences and workshops on Branding topics, the effective use of Linkedin and on Podcasting as tools to boost your brand and your business. She is currently the host and producer of the PodQueens Latinas podcast and co-host and co-producer of the Divinas y Empresarias podcast. She has a Master's Degree in Communications with a specialty in Public Relations and a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management. In addition, she is a Certified Professional Coach - Mentor and Trainer certified in The Principles of Success by the Canfield Training Institute. He has more than 15 years of professional experience in the corporate sector and more than 10 years in his private practice.
Mariely Sylvette Martínez es estratega de Márketing, consultora de branding y coach profesional. Su misión es capacitar y asesorar emprendedores y empresarios para construir su marca profesional para atraer a sus clientes más ideales. Ofrece servicios de auditorías de marca y de podcasts y un exclusivo programa de Branding donde asiste a profesionales a fortalecer y renovar su presencia en Internet y redes sociales. Facilita conferencias y talleres sobre temas de Branding, el uso efectivo de Linkedin y sobre Podcasting como herramientas para impulsar su marca y su negocio. Actualmente es la conductora y productora del podcast PodQueens Latinas y co-anfitriona y co-productora del podcast Divinas y Empresarias. Cuenta con una Maestría en Comunicaciones con una especialidad en Relaciones Públicas y un Bachillerato en Gerencia de Mercadeo. Además, es Coach - Mentor profesional certificada y Trainer certificada en Los Principios del Éxito por el Canfield Training Institute.Cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia profesional en el sector corporativo y más de 10 años en su práctica privada.
Sitio web:
Clubhouse: @Marielysylvette
Podcasts: PodQueens Latinas, Divinas & Empresarias
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Link coming soon! ¡Enlace próximamente!